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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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steered to free. world free broadview of video for your media projects free media your dog r t v dot com. the international peace envoy outlines his plan to bring peace to a war weary syria while you rebels reject any truce talks unless president assad is deposed the. battle of the blacklists the human rights rather between the u.s. and russia results in sanctions and an adoption ban evoking sensitive cold war memories. around rolls out the big guns for new exercises in the vital all routes in the strait of hormuz saying it wants to show it can defend itself while pressure piles up over its nuclear program. plus the pricey paris christmas lights why are the crowds but for millions of french in poverty there are dark days
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ahead. hello good to have you company you're watching our live from moscow with me andrey farm. now looking to rejuvenate the un's peace plan for syria international envoy lakhdar brahimi is holding talks with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov in moscow the push for a truce comes as the war reaches fever pitch with terrorist attacks and street battles taking a heavy toll on the syrian people r.t. . has the story. while they are breaking news coming to moscow after meeting with president assad earlier this week in damascus very little details have been released about its outcome but brought himself has been saying that he had a positive feeling and good things were happening there was speculation that they
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were discussing a peaceful transition of power involving the creation of a transitional government which could include both sides on the guards looked with the u.n. backed peace plan or russia's chief diplomat or also earlier this week met with senior syrian diplomats in moscow behind closed doors. it's more likely that they discussed the same concept hopefully will be able to find out more details after a labyrinth meets with brahimi in moscow on saturday it's unclear whether the syrian opposition will agree to what if any transitional government with the syrian authorities as we've been calling strictly for us not step down to the opposition's a leader rejecting an invitation to come to moscow saying that no negotiations are possible with the syrian authorities even with russia mediating meanwhile the or violence in syria continues asco waiting there have been more terrorist attacks also the rebels have been targeting military airstrips government forces have also
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been replying with more shelling. meanwhile sectarian cracks in iraq are leading to a surge in violence across the country the sunni who used to hold power now say they are second class citizens in their own nation and they want something done about it as we report shortly plus the public is politicians later this hour artie's end of year series features the events which got russians more fired up over their government. iran has entered a new phase and its naval war games in the strait of hormuz which is a vital oil shipping route here exercise involves warships submarines and jet fighters and aims to show tehran can maintain security in the region around earlier said it could block this straight. effectively shutting off a fifth of world oil trade if it is attacked iran is feeling the pressure from the west as the us and its allies pile on the sanctions over its nuclear program set up or rick is
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a writer and global diplomacy specialist she says iran only wants to show it is capable of protecting its borders. for the past thirty two years or war whereas this if the united states is the waves of corporate war against iran so you why it has been preparing itself and demonstrating its to defend itself i don't believe that iran would ever take action if we see more of naval military exercises right now it's because the media is focusing on iran whereas. earlier this month there was operation lucky mariner with twenty seven countries participating. although a lot of them were observer states and they were all the way in the persian gulf in iran as territory and the media was silent on this but when you run demonstrates its readiness to defend its sovereignty and its national interest then there is the media focus on you. know new year's resolutions are known for being ambitious and
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short lived so should we just give ourselves a break. same as always so goes away the rule looking forward to the real use. for more promises we will all struggle to keep join us in new york the city that really knows how to handle the new. moscow's ban on the adoption of russian children by u.s. citizens will come into effect on new year's day the bill containing the measure was signed into law by president putin on friday the legislation also includes travel and financial sanctions for certain americans as well as further restrictions for noncommercial organizations working inside russia there or is in retaliation for washington's blacklist of right. an official is which it links to the death of lawyer sergey magnitsky in two thousand and nine russian studies and history professor stephen f. cohen from new york and princeton university's says he's never held any illusions
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about its own country's relations. there's an old russian saying we're friends are also deeds a lot of people in moscow and in washington when they pass the magnitsky act and now the ban on adoption in moscow may have thought they were just talking showing off playing grandstanding politically as we say in america but these words have consequences they have bet they feel all this new cold war atmosphere which is enveloping the relationship between our two countries it's going to affect american relations with russia regarding afghanistan regarding missile defense regarding syria regarding iran these are very serious matters but bomber has continued the policy toward moscow begun by president clinton a democrat and continued by president bush a republican that policy is advancing nato toward russia's borders building missile defense on russia's borders interfering in russia's interim the politics most
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recently the street demonstrations this is the same policy that began twenty years ago with the soviet union the fundamental american policy toward russia has not changed so it's ridiculous to call lama soft on moscow i mean just because two leaders get together as they always do and say we are friends it doesn't mean anything the reality here is that the partnership we need between washington and moscow to make the world safer for all of us has not existed since the soviet union ended and we may be farther from it today today as a result partially of this orphanage then we have been in twenty years. forget anonymity there is one place you will need id to use the internet and that is china where new rules exist everywhere busa must use their real name online we report at r.t. dot com plus the survey that says christmas to christians is no longer about the
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birth of jesus and not to struggle in santa either. or for most people this week's festivities have meant a time for family decoration the once a year spirit of goodwill in the air so spare a thought for those who have little to cheer such as eleven million french people living in poverty. reports from the capital and whether the bright lights are leaving too many citizens in the dark. it is beyond any doubt that in the daytime paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world but after dark the french capital lived up to its other name the city of lights. many parisians regard the launch of the christmas elimination as one of the most important events of any year . this year in central paris alone on the famous johnson is it installing christmas lights wasn't cheap at christmas elimination because they're on a one million euros it shop on the shelves it is
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a is contributing to the christmas lighting depending on the number of trees they have in front of their of their shop eighty percent white money money from the community from the shops of the shows it easy for twenty percent this money of the city hall but the budget has gone up by a third across the whole country in a year where the average person has struggled financially the authorities say they're splashing out the extra millions to help people forget how little they have left but there is crisis there is financial difficulty people have less money to spend so we have to create a festive atmosphere to give them back the will to buy and celebration it's clear that you're in crises in developed countries people tend to economize and spend less money so it's important to avoid this negative spiral of economy under courage people to go ahead and spend a bit. but what if you have nothing to spend françoise cares little about how her
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city looks or what the biggest christmas sale hits are for her the whole day is all about bringing her terminally ill daughter to numerous charity events over the festive period at the gym my daughter has leave a cancer her medication is being paid by social security but i have to pay the doctor out of my own pocket we are poor and i cannot afford that it's unacceptable they spend so much money on beauty well we are neglected. there were hundreds like fronts was that this charity event alone a recent poll concerning poverty in france produced some shocking figures we just. we wanted to ask the french if they felt poor folk they were heading that way only eleven percent of the french consider themselves being below the poverty line but thirty seven percent say they feel they are becoming poor the french feel that their country is slipping into decadence and social stratification is taking place . christmas is many things to many people some of the atmosphere or make you
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healthy you wrote for others it's about finding a means of survival regardless of the financial state although that next year will be better than the previous and who knows maybe those in peril now may join those enjoying to speak truculent eliminations come next christmas looks the rush of ski reporting from paris. while our skies there is a man who lets no one off the hook for cultivating the gap between rich and poor here's what's coming up later twelve thirty pm take. the stranger to like they should colonization they've been ignored and they have developed some interesting products in the telecommunications space kenyan phone market is leapfrog over the traditional phone market but again once it hits critical mass it's going to be colonized by the foreigners as usual asia how about the asian financial crisis of one nine hundred ninety eight there was a crisis cooked up on wall street the city of london export it to asia and blow up
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that economy now they're buying dollars to protect themselves against continued marauding by the opium dealing the british people who don't arrive with opium but went to the residence products for the same effect get them junk securities. and then you can watch that program later today and i'll be back in a few minutes with. flying north with me in this old soviet work or so the helicopter is dr van amir brodsky and his team from the region's medical aviation service we head across ever more barren tundra higher and higher into russia's arctic far north until
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eventually we see our landing spot with arrive at this tiny village after crossing hundreds of kilometers of snow a wilderness as a boy here suffering from favre and the doctors are going to see what they can do. inside a small building not one but two babies in that parents are waiting for us the doctors inspect them but can't make a diagnosis and decide to bring them to a regional hospital for better care spread larner doesn't like taking her baby away from home but she's been before and agrees to go that's the usual practice with those who live in and they keep mothers with their newborns in hospital for a month. on the way back another stop to check on the health of some native minutes reindeer herders out in the tundra it can take many hours to reach the nearest village so all medical problems simply fixed here in the tent that i wish i could never used again but now we can go to civilized places so we call for emergency help. but at hospital other patients helped by the air ambulance are being treated
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the service costs fourteen million dollars a year to run and there's been controversy with some claiming that locals exaggerate or make up health problems and use the helicopters as a free taxi service accusations vladimir firmly dismisses your brother is not true usually the calls are perfectly justified sometimes we even reproach locals waiting too long before calling us he's been working as a doctor now for forty three years but vladimir is confident that even after he retires his helicopter doctors will remain a lifeline to the peoples of the russian far north. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought
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you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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hello welcome back a period of political challenges and a surge of public opinion that is how russians might possibly describe the going year what today in our series looking back at what happened in two thousand and twelve we focus on the boost of political energy in russia. presidential election twenty three cameras up on this roof correspondents throughout moscow and i mean you come across lines throughout the night it was a great night wasn't real color was right behind us was in it but but so one point when putin came out to show me like crowds way past the doom of the thousands and thousands of people i suppose so celebrating his victory one of the main points the unprecedented protests that took place up to that election work and protest rallies
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that never really feels like we're actually taking part in the event it was during one of the massive boldest rallies in moscow square it really fifty for the first time when i saw the crowd want to see the court right next to ours another station and i realized how soon was people really turned uncontrollable or was second and held in just as easily chaos rebirth of people trying to get that political point in the past twelve months. the best way to do that would be about going to head to some right. one thing that was important to get across when we were covering it is people's political flavors in this country what they did was deeply offensive to a huge number of people not something that they consider when they were looking at the case. when they made a press release about its our interview with president putin the first that he's
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ever given us he's a third inauguration we see dozens and dozens of calls from international media representatives and they were all asking us just one question did he say anything about the case nothing was out of this in fact the more challenging it is gauging the conversation would be of course not. not a big list in my head i wanted to hear about the. syrian conflict also whether the punishment or the pump was indeed with hindsight maybe too heavy. to make about. the russian opposition movement one of our big stories of the year the streets are available. and i think it's good that people are conscious about politics politics is not a big deal among most people in this country. only be good for society and i think . it would relatively well. iraq has seen its largest protests in
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a week of anti-government demonstrations as tens of thousands gathered to demand more rights sunni muslims had controlled iraq until the fall of saddam hussein ten years ago they now accuse the shia authorities of refusing to share power and being a puppet of neighboring iran the latest protests are seen as the tip of the iceberg in a sectarian conflict the tension leading to some of the worst violence since the iraq war gerard who's an iraqi american blogger thinks the us invasion played a big part in sowing the seeds of today's troubles. unfortunately you're arc is another example of failed us interventions decade after the us invaded the country and destroyed it and promised everyone on the wall down in iraq that it will build functional democracy what everyone will be happy living in peace and prosperity became one of the war's places to live on earth the country is completely destroyed the society has been destroyed infrastructure has been the
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destroyed five million people have been displaced and million people were killed. there is till this day in two thousand and twelve we still have very fragile political system that the iraqis view as. a very dysfunctional one so unfortunately it's another example of the theory of installing a government system by us or learning to impedance. the world is still none the wiser as to whether america can wrestle a solution to its imminent fiscal cliff which could have far reaching ramifications president obama has charged democratic and republican senate leaders with finding a compromise to the budget impasse a raft of tax hikes and social spending cuts come into force automatically on new year's day if the two political parties fail to find a way forward obama says he will call a vote in congress to stop the tax rises if they can't work it out. the twenty
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three year old victim of an horrific gang rape on a bus that triggered a violent protest in india has died in a singapore hospital in new delhi gatherings of more than five people have been banned in many parts of the city but this peaceful city was allowed to go ahead the authorities have also closed metro stations and stopped cars from accessing some main roads and in preparation for possible protests that. italy's going prime minister says he will lead a coalition of centrist parties after february parliamentary elections omarion monti is not ruling out a return as head of state should the alliance be successful he resigned early this month after his government lost its majority amid the country's deepening recession now we are coming up fast that night of fun fireworks and festivities a fair few of us will also be making some resolutions for twenty thirteen and lori half an ist has been hearing some of the wishful thinking in new york.
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it's that time of year again when we all make resolutions for the new year so what's yours this week let's talk about bet the same as always so who's away lottery a ruling for today in the mega millions that year so you're going to win the lottery and you're going to lose weight and neither of these things are going to happen exactly could just be a kind word kinder gentler and more giving how do you do that new york city i live in cincinnati i've been reading about i want to eat song going to do it this time and why didn't you eat better and twelve no i read a book about fasting fasting for two days
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a week so that's what i'm going to get that's not going to work here's resolution eat less muffins you know. to take care of myself better eat less muffin no muffins are great because i guess it gives the gym that's what it usually is which is unusual for a while. you're going to make the same one that you break from like you think a lot of people do that yeah except not to be so hard on myself joy life that's a good one it's kind of like the anti resolution more like i'm just going to relax a little bit saloon and that's probably when you can stick to your but why don't you start now because i crave cigarettes and that you still have i'm so you're going to smoke i'm yeah and i am once you don't have any more throughout a current of cigarettes you're going to smoke your brains out until january first into january first that's it if you do decide to make a new year's resolution for two thousand and thirteen the bottom line is you're probably not going to keep it so why not just resolve to try to be a better you every day of the year happy new year.
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now in a couple of minutes fun to say i'm reality cash in the spotlight is al good off interviews one of russia's most popular what an office. pool hall. is easy to. meet.
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wealthy british style. that's not on the president's private. markets why not going to find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r g. two least be told language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world's hot spots the v.o.i.p. interviews intriguing stories for you to. see been trying. to find out more visit our big dog all teeth dog called. hold it.
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hold of him. her mother. explained. the speech. she gave. her. and i. wish. all of the bomb is so good. we. just spent the money and the piano to. come out of the to me that a little. movie
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hello again and welcome to spotlight the interview show on our t.v. . today my guest on the program is new. human nature has always sought eggs and centuries ago travelers had the whole globe to explore and conquered but nowadays imagination seems to be the only world where people who quit there for expansion probably this is the reason why fantasy and science guy are along the most popular fiction trawlers now though or maybe not. really why are people so fond of all those alvan orcs were asking one of the most successful russian fantasy and science behind all this new federal. bank karuna there's one of the most famous russian fictional three specializing in fantasy and the exposed group was a sequel and the legendary lord of the rings it was both praise and hated for the
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book by middle earth fans at some point he was even beaten up by tolkien. is a prolific writer in the last twenty years he has published twenty one books even though he's into fantasy nique is a scientist working on biological research at a university. hello is a bit of welcome to the show thank i don't think you very much for being with us here today well first of all i would like to ask you know this question i'm sure this is the question that all your blonde students are still whenever you go to a lecture at some schools it's about. writers somehow putting their bringing their real life experience into their books of course it's not so easy in science fire and then in fantasy but is it a case how do you have a broad so something that really happened to you of course.


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